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Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3614, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1550159


Resumen El presente artículo consta de una revisión bibliográfica que tiene por objetivo describir los distintos factores que influyen en el desarrollo de la sexualidad infantil para comprenderla desde la terapia ocupacional. La problemática planteada aborda la invisibilidad de los componentes naturales y normativos de la sexualidad en la primera y segunda infancia y cómo la terapia ocupacional se aproxima a estos factores en su intervención. Para llevar a cabo esta búsqueda bibliográfica, se utilizaron variadas bases de datos y revistas de terapia ocupacional, con el fin de encontrar textos que tuvieran relación con el objetivo y problemática propuesta, los cuales fueron filtrados de acuerdo a criterios de exclusión e inclusión. De los resultados se obtiene que existe escasa información académica respecto a cómo se relacionan directamente los componentes de la sexualidad infantil con las áreas de trabajo de la terapia ocupacional. Por lo anterior se concluye que la disciplina está recientemente en la incorporación del abordaje de esta temática y se plantea la necesidad urgente de reconstruir la conceptualización de la sexualidad infantil, desde una base de derechos de la niñez y alejándose de la hegemonía de una cultura heteronormada y adultocéntrica. Se consideran los distintos factores que influyen al desarrollo de la sexualidad infantil y entendiéndola no solo como ocupación sino como parte fundamental de la identidad ocupacional, que tiene como componentes la autonomía corporal, el desarrollo socio afectivo, el placer y el disfrute, el género y las elecciones ocupacionales, los cuales guiarían el abordaje de terapia ocupacional.

Resumo O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão bibliográfica que tem como objetivo descrever os diferentes fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento da sexualidade infantil para compreendê-la a partir da terapia ocupacional. A problemática levantada aborda a invisibilidade dos componentes naturais e normativos da sexualidade na primeira e segunda infâncias e como o terapeuta ocupacional aborda esses fatores em sua intervenção. Para realizar esta busca bibliográfica, foram utilizadas diversas bases de dados e periódicos da área de terapia ocupacional, a fim de encontrar textos que estivessem relacionados ao objetivo e problemática propostos, os quais foram filtrados segundo critérios de exclusão e inclusão. Dos resultados obtém-se que há escassa informação acadêmica a respeito de como os componentes da sexualidade infantil estão diretamente relacionados às áreas de atuação do terapeuta ocupacional. Portanto, conclui-se que a disciplina está incorporando recentemente a abordagem dessa temática e se levanta a urgente necessidade de reconstruir a conceituação da sexualidade infantil, a partir de uma base de direitos da criança e afastando-se da hegemonia de uma cultura heteronormativa adultocêntrica. São considerados os diferentes fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento da sexualidade infantil, entendendo-a não apenas como uma ocupação, mas também como parte fundamental da identidade ocupacional, cujos componentes são autonomia corporal, desenvolvimento socioafetivo, prazer e gozo, gênero e escolhas ocupacionais, os quais orientariam a abordagem da terapia ocupacional.

Abstract This article consists of a bibliographical review that aims to describe the different factors that influence the development of child sexuality to understand it from Occupational Therapy (OT). The problem raised addresses the invisibility of the natural and normative components of sexuality in early and second childhood and how OT approaches these factors in its intervention. To carry out this bibliographic search, various databases and journals of Occupational Therapy were used, in order to find texts that were related to the objective and proposed problem, which were filtered according to exclusion and inclusion criteria. From the results it is obtained that there is limited academic information regarding how the components of child sexuality are directly related to the areas of work of the OT. From the foregoing, it is concluded that the discipline is recently incorporating the approach to this issue and the urgent need to reconstruct the conceptualization of child sexuality is raised, from a base of children's rights, moving away from the hegemony of a heteronormative culture, and adult centric. The different factors that influence the development of child sexuality are considered, understanding it not only as an occupation but also as a fundamental part of occupational identity, whose components are bodily autonomy, socio-affective development, pleasure and enjoyment, gender and occupational choices, which would guide the occupational therapy approach.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 11-18, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006263


The development of single Chinese materia medica is an important direction of technological innovation in the field of Chinese materia medica at present, and the study of its comprehensive intellectual property protection system is of great significance to the intellectual property protection of the whole chain of innovative enterprises of single Chinese materia medica. Based on this, this paper takes the comprehensive protection system of intellectual property of Callicarpa nudiflora constructed by Jiuzhitang Pharmaceutical as a model to conduct empirical research, analyzes the protection forms applicable to intellectual property of Chinese materia medica, such as patents, administrative protection, trademarks, designs and intangible cultural heritages, and discusses the valuable and insufficient aspects of the protection system currently constructed by Jiuzhitang Pharmaceutical and puts forward the following suggestions:①paying attention to patent applications for planting/processing methods of raw medicinal materials, ②emphasizing the protection of geographical indications, authentic medicinal herbs, and new plant varieties, ③actively promoting product and technology upgrades, ④applying for data protection during product iteration, ⑤emphasizing the layout timing of patent and administrative protection, ⑥focusing on improving goodwill, ⑦enhancing awareness of intellectual property protection and promoting deep integration of industry, academia, and research. We hope that innovative enterprises engaged in the development of single Chinese materia medica can learn from the experience of the case, and optimize the strategy to better protect related products.

Ciudad de México; s.n; 20231214. 151 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1532066


Introducción. El trabajo de cuidados ha sido el núcleo fundamental de análisis y objeto de estudio tradicional de la Enfermería. Las investigaciones que durante mucho tiempo se han realizado se han centrado mayoritariamente en la producción de cuidados desde la mirada cientificista y hegemónica de la ciencia una ciencia de la enfermería llena de conocimientos técnicos y mecánicos desde una visión parcial de estos, una visión eurocentrista y anglosajona con "valor" académico, dejando al margen los trabajos que se realizan fuera de estos ámbitos y que no están plagados de números y cosas "tangibles". Metodología. Se trata de una investigación histórico cultural, que pretende deconstruir y cristalizar el conocimiento femenino en torno a la higiene y al lavado de manos, por medio de la transdisciplinariedad, haciendo uso de la heurística y la hermenéutica analógica. Hallazgos. Las mujeres nahuas del México Antiguo, dice Clementina Battcock en el Seminario de Historia de las Mujeres en el México Antiguo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), que la historia de las mujeres en el México Antiguo es una historia acallada, "bajita", por lo cual las historiadoras e historiadores han ido construyendo un debate profundo sobre las aportaciones de las mujeres. A través de la heurística seguida se logró encontrar la valiosa recopilación de libros, hecha por Andrés de Olmos denominada "Huehuetlatolli", también denominados la "antigua palabra", gracias a estos escritos se sabe la forma de educación que brindaban mujeres y hombres sabios (tlamatini, mujeres u hombres que saben algo, que conocen las cosas) Discusión. La higiene en la sociedad náhuatl era un método de cuidado para la salud individual y colectiva. Estudiar estos fenómenos como sustento de la la historia del cuidado en la sociedad mexicana gracias al pueblo nahua, es una fuente de información que robustece el cuerpo histórico académico de la profesión de enfermería en México y Latinoamérica Conclusiones. La participación de las mujeres en la educación y en otros ámbitos ha tenido un realce inconmensurable, equiparable con el conocimiento hegemónico proveniente de Europa, las mujeres histórica y universalmente son quienes se han encargado de ilustrar y enseñar desde el seno del hogar las normas básicas de convivencia y civilidad, y aunque ha sido un papel de cierta forma impuesto, no se debe dejar de lado que el conocimiento empírico de todas estas mujeres es valioso y digno de darse a conocer

Introduction. The work of care has been the fundamental nucleus of analysis and traditional object of study of nursing. The research that has been carried out for a long time has focused mainly on the production of care from the scientificist and hegemonic viewpoint of science, a nursing science full of technical and mechanical knowledge from a partial view of this, a Eurocentric and Anglo-Saxon view with academic "value", leaving aside the work that is carried out outside these fields and which is not full of numbers and "tangible" things. Methodology. This is cultural-historical research, which aims to deconstruct and crystallize feminine knowledge around hygiene and hand washing, by means of transdisciplinarity, making use of heuristics and analogical hermeneutics. Findings. Nahua women in Ancient Mexico, says Clementina Battcock in the Seminar on the History of Women in Ancient Mexico (Battcock, 2018, 2021), that the history of women in Ancient Mexico is a silenced history, "bajita", for which historians and historians have been building a deep debate on the contributions of women. Through the heuristics followed, it was possible to find the valuable compilation of books, made by Andrés de Olmos called "Huehuetlatolli", also called the "ancient word", thanks to these writings we know the form of education provided by wise women and men (tlamatini, women or men who know something, who know things). Discussion. Hygiene in the Nahuatl society was a method of care for individual and collective health. Studying these phenomena as a support for the history of care in Mexican society thanks to the Nahua people, is a source of information that strengthens the academic historical body of the nursing profession in Mexico and Latin America. Conclusions. The participation of women in education and in other fields has had an immeasurable enhancement, comparable to the hegemonic knowledge coming from Europe, women historically and universally have been in charge of illustrating and teaching from the bosom of the home the basic rules of coexistence and civility, and although it has been a role somewhat imposed, it should not be left aside that the empirical knowledge of all these women is valuable and worthy of being made known

Introdução. O trabalho de cuidar tem sido o núcleo fundamental de análise e o objeto tradicional de estudo da enfermagem. A investigação que se realizou durante muito tempo centrou-se principalmente na produção de cuidados a partir da visão cientificista e hegemónica da ciência, uma ciência de enfermagem cheia de conhecimentos técnicos e mecânicos a partir de uma visão parcial desta, uma visão eurocêntrica e anglo-saxónica com "valor" académico, deixando de lado o trabalho que se realiza fora destes campos e que não está cheio de números e coisas "tangíveis". Metodologia. Trata-se de uma investigação histórico-cultural, que tem como objetivo desconstruir e cristalizar o conhecimento feminino sobre higiene e lavagem das mãos através da transdisciplinaridade, utilizando a heurística e a hermenêutica analógica. Conclusões. No Seminário de Clementina Battcock sobre a História das Mulheres no México Antigo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), Clementina Battcock afirma que a história das mulheres no México Antigo é uma história silenciada, "baixa", razão pela qual os historiadores têm vindo a construir um debate aprofundado sobre os contributos das mulheres. Através da heurística seguida, foi possível encontrar a valiosa compilação de livros escritos por Andrés de Olmos chamada "Huehuetlatolli", também chamada de "palavra antiga", graças a estes escritos conhecemos a forma de educação fornecida por mulheres e homens sábios (tlamatini, mulheres ou homens que sabem algo, que sabem coisas). Discussão. A higiene na sociedade Nahuatl era um método de cuidado da saúde individual e colectiva. O estudo destes fenómenos como base para a história dos cuidados na sociedade mexicana graças ao povo Nahua é uma fonte de informação que reforça o corpo académico histórico da profissão de enfermeiro no México e na América Latina. Conclusões. A participação das mulheres na educação e em outros campos teve uma importância incomensurável, comparável ao conhecimento hegemónico proveniente da Europa. Histórica e universalmente, as mulheres foram encarregadas de ilustrar e ensinar as regras básicas de convivência e civilidade a partir do seio do lar, e embora tenha sido um papel um tanto imposto, não se deve esquecer que o conhecimento empírico de todas essas mulheres é valioso e digno de ser divulgado

Humans , Hand Hygiene
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20231023. 150 p.
Thesis in Spanish | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1517882


Introducción. El trabajo de cuidados ha sido el núcleo fundamental de análisis y objeto de estudio tradicional de la Enfermería. Las investigaciones que durante mucho tiempo se han realizado se han centrado mayoritariamente en la producción de cuidados desde la mirada cientificista y hegemónica de la ciencia una ciencia de la enfermería llena de conocimientos técnicos y mecánicos desde una visión parcial de estos, una visión eurocentrista y anglosajona con "valor" académico, dejando al margen los trabajos que se realizan fuera de estos ámbitos y que no están plagados de números y cosas "tangibles". Metodología. Se trata de una investigación histórico cultural, que pretende deconstruir y cristalizar el conocimiento femenino en torno a la higiene y al lavado de manos, por medio de la transdisciplinariedad, haciendo uso de la heurística y la hermenéutica analógica. Hallazgos. Las mujeres nahuas del México Antiguo, dice Clementina Battcock en el Seminario de Historia de las Mujeres en el México Antiguo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), que la historia de las mujeres en el México Antiguo es una historia acallada, "bajita", por lo cual las historiadoras e historiadores han ido construyendo un debate profundo sobre las aportaciones de las mujeres. A través de la heurística seguida se logró encontrar la valiosa recopilación de libros, hecha por Andrés de Olmos denominada "Huehuetlatolli", también denominados la "antigua palabra", gracias a estos escritos se sabe la forma de educación que brindaban mujeres y hombres sabios (tlamatini, mujeres u hombres que saben algo, que conocen las cosas) Discusión. La higiene en la sociedad náhuatl era un método de cuidado para la salud individual y colectiva. Estudiar estos fenómenos como sustento de la la historia del cuidado en la sociedad mexicana gracias al pueblo nahua, es una fuente de información que robustece el cuerpo histórico académico de la profesión de enfermería en México y Latinoamérica Conclusiones. La participación de las mujeres en la educación y en otros ámbitos ha tenido un realce inconmensurable, equiparable con el conocimiento hegemónico proveniente de Europa, las mujeres histórica y universalmente son quienes se han encargado de ilustrar y enseñar desde el seno del hogar las normas básicas de convivencia y civilidad, y aunque ha sido un papel de cierta forma impuesto, no se debe dejar de lado que el conocimiento empírico de todas estas mujeres es valioso y digno de darse a conocer.

Introduction. The work of care has been the fundamental nucleus of analysis and traditional object of study of nursing. The research that has been carried out for a long time has focused mainly on the production of care from the scientificist and hegemonic viewpoint of science, a nursing science full of technical and mechanical knowledge from a partial view of this, a Eurocentric and Anglo-Saxon view with academic "value", leaving aside the work that is carried out outside these fields and which is not full of numbers and "tangible" things. Methodology. This is cultural-historical research, which aims to deconstruct and crystallize feminine knowledge around hygiene and hand washing, by means of transdisciplinarity, making use of heuristics and analogical hermeneutics. Findings. Nahua women in Ancient Mexico, says Clementina Battcock in the Seminar on the History of Women in Ancient Mexico (Battcock, 2018, 2021), that the history of women in Ancient Mexico is a silenced history, "bajita", for which historians and historians have been building a deep debate on the contributions of women. Through the heuristics followed, it was possible to find the valuable compilation of books, made by Andrés de Olmos called "Huehuetlatolli", also called the "ancient word", thanks to these writings we know the form of education provided by wise women and men (tlamatini, women or men who know something, who know things). Discussion. Hygiene in the Nahuatl society was a method of care for individual and collective health. Studying these phenomena as a support for the history of care in Mexican society thanks to the Nahua people, is a source of information that strengthens the academic historical body of the nursing profession in Mexico and Latin America. Conclusions. The participation of women in education and in other fields has had an immeasurable enhancement, comparable to the hegemonic knowledge coming from Europe, women historically and universally have been in charge of illustrating and teaching from the bosom of the home the basic rules of coexistence and civility, and although it has been a role somewhat imposed, it should not be left aside that the empirical knowledge of all these women is valuable and worthy of being made known.

Introdução. O trabalho de cuidar tem sido o núcleo fundamental de análise e o objeto tradicional de estudo da enfermagem. A investigação que se realizou durante muito tempo centrou-se principalmente na produção de cuidados a partir da visão cientificista e hegemónica da ciência, uma ciência de enfermagem cheia de conhecimentos técnicos e mecânicos a partir de uma visão parcial desta, uma visão eurocêntrica e anglo-saxónica com "valor" académico, deixando de lado o trabalho que se realiza fora destes campos e que não está cheio de números e coisas "tangíveis". Metodologia. Trata-se de uma investigação histórico-cultural, que tem como objetivo desconstruir e cristalizar o conhecimento feminino sobre higiene e lavagem das mãos através da transdisciplinaridade, utilizando a heurística e a hermenêutica analógica. Conclusões. No Seminário de Clementina Battcock sobre a História das Mulheres no México Antigo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), Clementina Battcock afirma que a história das mulheres no México Antigo é uma história silenciada, "baixa", razão pela qual os historiadores têm vindo a construir um debate aprofundado sobre os contributos das mulheres. Através da heurística seguida, foi possível encontrar a valiosa compilação de livros escritos por Andrés de Olmos chamada "Huehuetlatolli", também chamada de "palavra antiga", graças a estes escritos conhecemos a forma de educação fornecida por mulheres e homens sábios (tlamatini, mulheres ou homens que sabem algo, que sabem coisas). Discussão. A higiene na sociedade Nahuatl era um método de cuidado da saúde individual e colectiva. O estudo destes fenómenos como base para a história dos cuidados na sociedade mexicana graças ao povo Nahua é uma fonte de informação que reforça o corpo académico histórico da profissão de enfermeiro no México e na América Latina. Conclusões. A participação das mulheres na educação e em outros campos teve uma importância incomensurável, comparável ao conhecimento hegemónico proveniente da Europa. Histórica e universalmente, as mulheres foram encarregadas de ilustrar e ensinar as regras básicas de convivência e civilidade a partir do seio do lar, e embora tenha sido um papel um tanto imposto, não se deve esquecer que o conhecimento empírico de todas essas mulheres é valioso e digno de ser divulgado.

Humans , History of Nursing
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535195


Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la infraestructura sanitaria: equipos y suministros, ambientes construidos, humanización de la atención y la COVID-19 dentro del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el distrito de Castilla - Piura en el año 2022. Métodos: Adopta el paradigma hermenéutico, con un diseño de tipo transversal, de tipo cualitativo, en base a encuestas aplicadas a una muestra estadística del sector de Castilla; a su vez, se realizaron entrevistas no estructuradas, dirigidas a expertos profesionales de la salud. Resultados: Se observa que el 100% de los hospitales de II y III nivel y centros de salud en Piura, se encuentran en condiciones inadecuadas para lograr la eficiencia y la efectividad en la atención, tanto en infraestructura sanitaria, equipos y suministros, como en los ambientes construidos y humanizados. Conclusión: El estado deficiente de los establecimientos de salud, ha determinado el incremento de casos de COVID-19, durante la pandemia, porque no cuentan con ambientes adecuados para atender diferentes patologías así como por la inadecuada zonificación de las áreas de aislamiento respiratorio y de vectores, las que deben responder a la realidad de esta región; esta situación plantea la necesidad de formular un plan de contingencia regional, la misma que garantice atención prioritaria y de calidad frente a situaciones de emergencia, así como la vivida durante la pandemia.

Objective: The relationship between the sanitary infrastructure, considering three aspects such as: equipment and supplies; built environments; humanization of care against COVID-19 in the district of Castilla - Piura in the year 2022. Methods: It adopts the Hermeneutic paradigm, with a cross-sectional, qualitative design, based on surveys applied to a statistical sample from the Castilla sector, unstructured interviews were conducted, aimed at health professional experts. Results: It is observed that 100% of the II and III level hospitals and health centers in Piura are in inadequate conditions to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in care, both in infrastructure-equipment, in built environment and humanized. Conclusion: The deficient state of health establishments has determined the increase in cases of COVID 19, during the pandemic, because they do not have adequate environments to treat different pathologies, as well as due to inadequate zoning of respiratory and vector isolation areas, those that must respond to the reality of this Region; This situation raises the need to formulate a regional contingency plan, the same one that guarantees priority and quality care in emergency situations, as well as life during the pandemic.

Investig. desar ; 31(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534737


Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender las creencias sociales y orientaciones emocionales colectivas sobre la protesta social en el proceso de construcción de paz en Colombia. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa con enfoque hermenéutico y se realizó un análisis de contenido sobre lo expresado en entrevistas semiestructuradas por 18 participantes, ciudadanos del común, quienes se asumieron "a favor de la protesta social", "en contra de la protesta social" y "ambivalentes". Como resultados, se contrastaron creencias y orientaciones emocionales colectivas favorables, como empatía y comprensión, con prejuicios y estigmas. Emergieron creencias sobre el "otro" opositor, como enemigo, expresiones de distancia social, discriminación, exclusión y odio. Los medios de comunicación como mecanismos de configuración de estas creencias y orientaciones emocionales colectivas, asociadas al rechazo a los movimientos sociales, por parte de algunos participantes, alimentaron un ambiente de polarización y redujeron las posibilidades del reconocimiento del otro como ser humano.

This research tries to comprehend the societal beliefs and the collective emotions about the social protest in the context of peacebuilding. It was used a qualitative methodology with hermeneutical approach, and it was made an analysis of content about what was said in the semi-structured interviews of 18 participants that were classified in three groups according to their position about the social protest: a group in favor, a group against it, and a third one with an ambivalent position. As a result, there were contrasted the positive societal beliefs and the collective as empathy, understanding against prejudices and stigmata. There were emerged beliefs about the "other" as an opponent and enemy, expressions of social distance between groups, discrimination, exclusion, and hate. The mass media were identified as configuration mechanisms of these societal beliefs and collective emotions, associated to rejection of social movements that feeds the political polarization and reduces the possibility to recognize the other as a human being.

Chinese Journal of Neonatology ; (6): 419-423, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990769


Objective:To study the current status of critical neonatal care centers (CNCC) construction and treatment of critically-ill neonates at city- and county-level in Henan Province.Methods:A questionnaire survey was conducted in January 2022 to city- and county-level CNCC in Henan Province. The basic information of CNCC, ward settings, neonatal management in the Department of Obstetrics and the treatment of critically-ill neonates in 2019-2021 were analyzed.Results:A total of 188 questionnaires were sent and 183 (97.3%) eligible questionnaires were analyzed, including 30 from city centers and 153 from county centers. The bed occupancy rate in county centers was significantly lower than city centers (67.3%±24.1% vs. 86.1%±23.2%), and the doctor/bed ratio, doctor/rescue bed ratio and nurse/rescue bed ratio were significantly higher than city centers ( P<0.05). All city centers had set up independent Department of Neonatology and the number is 92.8% (142/153) in county center. For 80.9% (148/183) centers, neonates were managed in the Department of Obstetrics with consultations and referrals to the Department of Pediatrics and 19.1% (35/183) were managed in the Department of Pediatrics/Neonatology. The average number of deliveries and admissions to the Department of Neonatology in both city and county centers decreased year on year during 2019-2021, but the proportion of premature and low/very low birth weight infants treated in these centers increased year on year. During 2019-2021, the top three diseases treated at the city centers were neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal asphyxia and acute respiratory distress syndrome, while the top three diseases treated at the county centers were neonatal asphyxia, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and meconium aspiration syndrome. The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome in city and county centers was (10~30)/100,000. Conclusions:The construction of CNCC in Henan Province is facing challenges such as decreased hospital admissions, increased critically-ill neonates, insufficient cooperation between Obstetrics and Pediatrics and waste of resources. Rationally allocated and optimised use of resources to improve the ability to treat critically-ill neonates is warranted.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 699-702, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990689


High-quality clinical research is an important method to improve clinical diagnosis and treatment, promote discipline construction, and expand the frontier of medicine. In recent years, multi-center clinical studies in colorectal surgery in China have increased, and the level of clinical research has gradually improved, accumulating a wealth of clinical research experience. Innovative research topics and scientific design are the foundations of high-quality clinical research. Standardization of surgical techniques and quality control at all steps of the study are key to high-quality research. At the same time, researchers should establish a data management system, select appropriate data collection systems, and conduct regular data checks and feedback to ensure the quality of research data. Fully utilizing the advantages of case resources and further enhancing clinical research capabilities will provide assistance in promoting high-quality clinical research in the field of colorectal surgery in China. The authors summarize the experience of high-quality clinical research in colorectal surgery at home and abroad, in order to further promote the development of high-quality clinical research in China.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 322-325, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990643


Gastric cancer is one of the common malignant tumors of the digestive system. The data from China Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgical Alliance suggests that there are great differences in the incidence of gastric cancer, the distribution of tumors in different stages and level of diagnosis and treatment in different regions of our country, and there are some differences in the data records of different medical centers. Therefore, it is very important to implement the standardized diagnosis and treatment and quality control of gastric cancer, to establish a standardized gastric cancer data-base, and to promote the standardization, homogenization and standardization of the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer in the country. As a result, the Expert Committee of Quality Control of Gastric Cancer of the National Cancer Quality Control Center drafts and formulates the Quality Control Index for Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastric Cancer in China (2022 Edition), in which the quality control index includes the aspects of imaging examination, pathological diagnosis, surgical treatment, drug therapy, radiotherapy and postoperative quality control of gastric cancer. The authors give a thorough elaboration on the lymph node dissection scope, standardization and quality control of postoperative lymph node detection and construction of database of gastric cancer.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1778-1784, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990406


Objective:To develop an implementation protocol of clinical decision-support system about pediatric parenteral nutrition administration based on Guideline Implementation with Decision Support Checklist.Methods:From November to December 2021, using 4 dimensions and 16 items of Guideline Implementation with Decision Support Checklist, an multidisciplinary expert consultation was conducted, based on the previous clinical decision-support system and implementation protocol draft, to identify qualitative suggestions and quantitative assessment, and form the final protocol.Results:According to the Guideline Implementation with Decision Support Checklist, experts evaluated the implementation protocol draft, ranked the scores of 4 dimensions, system, content, context, and implementation, successively. Based on 12 updated suggestions, the final protocol included 4 dimensions and 12 interventions, including CDS updates, preparation before launching, experimental application and promotion, and systematic monitoring.Conclusions:The development of Guideline Implementation with Decision Support Checklist-based implementation protocol of clinical decision-support system about pediatric parenteral nutrition administration facilitated the thorough and structured consideration and agreement of multidisciplinary team, thus to optimize protocol and provide foundation for clinical practice.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1755-1761, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990402


This paper summarized the development status and shortcomings of the nursing field of chest pain center in China′s regional collaborative mode from four aspects, including the construction status of nursing staff, nursing quality control methods, nursing information construction, and nursing construction problems of chest pain centers in regional collaborative mode, so as to provide theoretical reference for the further standardized construction of nursing units in chest pain centers.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1492-1498, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990363


Objective:To combine sexology with nursing teaching organically, and construct the content index of the elective course Introduction to Sexology for nursing master, so as to provide reference for promoting the construction of new medical education in China.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional survey. The elective course content of Introduction to Sexual Science for Master of Nursing was preliminarily drawn up through literature analysis,by consulting the literature and materials. From June to October in 2021, by using Delphi method, 20 sexual science experts from 9 provinces and municipalities with relevant experience in master′s teaching were interviewed for two rounds. After statistical processing, the course content indicators were selected according to the importance assignment, coefficient of variation, full score rate and recognition rate of the indicators, and the course content indicators were determined.Results:The positive coefficients of experts in two rounds of correspondence were 83.33% and 100.00% respectively, the authoritative coefficients of experts were 0.818 and 0.815 respectively, and Kendall's harmonious coefficients were 0.137 and 0.403 respectively. The course content of "Introduction to Sexual Science" was composed of 11 first-level indicators and 46 second-level indicators. Its importance value was 4.15-5.00, the coefficient of variation was 0.000-0.136, the full score rate was 20.00%-100.00%, and the recognition rate was 95.00%-100.00%.Conclusion:The course content of "Introduction to Sexual Science" for nursing postgraduates constructed in this study takes the knowledge of sexual psychology and sociology as the core, pays attention to the cultivation of sexual values, combines theoretical knowledge of sexual medicine with clinical practice ability, and has high enthusiasm and authority of experts and good coordination of opinions. It is of positive significance to supplement the lack of sexual health courses for nursing postgraduates and cultivate nursing postgraduates with certain sexual health care literacy.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1012-1017, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990287


Objective:Based on the framework of 5W1H analysis, to establish the continuous nursing project by delphi expert consultation method for children with congenital imperforate anus after discharge.Methods:This study is observational. Through the literature review, qualitative interview and group discussion to establish the expert correspondence questionnaire from April 2021 to March 2022. Delphi consultation was applied to experts for two rounds of expert consultation, to evaluate the initiative, authority and coordination of expert opinions.Results:Two rounds of expert consultation were carried out with 20 experts.The response rates of two rounds of expert questionnaires were 19/20 and 20/20 respectively, the expert authority coefficients were 0.873 and 0.893 respectively, and the Kendall′s coefficients were 0.311 and 0.405 respectively. The coordination of expert opinions was statistically significant ( P<0.05); After two rounds of expert consultation, it was finally determined that the continuing care plan for children with anal atresia included three first-level indicators (composition and responsibilities of continuing care personnel, implementation methods of continuing care, and implementation content of continuing care), 23 second-level indicators, and 46 third-level indicators. Conclusions:This study have high enthusiasm and authority of experts, and concentrated expert opinions on various indicators. The results are reliable, scientific and comprehensive, which will provide a basis for clinical medical staff to carry out the continuous nursing of children with congenital imperforate anus.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 385-389, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990190


Objective:To upgrade the wisdom of traditional wards through the internet of things platform to achieve intelligent and refined management of wards, and to evaluate the effect of the upgrade.Methods:In June 2020, the convenience sampling method was used to selecte two wards of the cardiology department of Shandong First Medical University as the pilot units of the affiliated provincial Hospital to implement the intelligent ward management mode. Based on the principle of easy transformation, easy construction and easy maintenance, on the basis of realizing the full coverage of the internet of things, the hardware and software system were connected to complete the intelligent upgrade of the traditional ward, and the structured observation and semi-structured interview methods were adopted to evaluate the upgraded work efficiency and the use experience of patients.Results:The time spent on vital sign collection and recording, nursing risk assessment and time spent, and signage production and hanging were (4.24 ± 0.87), (4.07 ± 0.86) and 0 min respectively, which were effectively reduced than those before the upgrade (6.50 ± 2.95), (4.73 ± 1.62) and (1.13 ± 0.43) min, with statistically significant differences ( t=8.04, 3.99, 28.96, all P<0.01). The results of semi-structured interviews showed that patients perceived the smart ward as intelligent, saving manpower and waiting time; simple to operate, improving the experience of healthcare workers and patients in using it; and untimely system updates. Conclusions:The wisdom upgrade of traditional wards can help refine patient management, improve work efficiency, and improve the experience of health care workers and patients in using them, which will be continuously improved in future development and can provide practical paths for reference for the wisdom upgrade of similar wards.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 188-194, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990159


Objective:To explore the "Internet + nursing service" model based on the nurse-patient safety needs, and provide reference for development of "Internet + nursing service".Methods:The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yatsen University established a "Internet+ nursing service" management team in December 2019, developed an information platform, formulated and implemented a specific plan of the "Internet+ nursing service" model, including service objects, service projects and service modes. After the smooth operation of this model, the statistics of the nursing service projects and service times that had been carried out from September 2020 to March 2021, as well as the satisfaction of 21 patients who received nursing services would be counted.Results:From September 2020 to March 2021, 21 patients were provided with 55 on-site nursing services, and 151 operations in 16 projects were completed. No nursing-related adverse events occurred. The patients gave all five-star evaluations to the door-to-door service, the satisfaction score was 5 points, and the overall evaluation was 99.88 points.Conclusions:The pilot work of "Internet + nursing service" based on the nurse-patient safety needs has met the care needs of discharged patients and the safety needs of door-to-door services, guarantee the safety of nurses' door-to-door service effectively. And it provides reference for the development and improvement of "Internet + nursing service" related safety work in tertiary A-level hospitals.

Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases ; (12): 471-474, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986054


The construction of health enterprises practice the concept of big health. It is an important solution to protect the overall health of occupational groups in the new era, which is of great significance to promoting a healthy city and helping to build a healthy China. This paper clarifies the connotation of healthy enterprises in the new era, discusses the key points of healthy enterprise construction around the "four in one" construction content, "PDCA" construction procedures, and evaluation methods of healthy enterprises. It focuses on the progress of healthy enterprise construction, analyzes the problems faced by the construction of health enterprises in China, and puts forward suggestions to improve the construction efficiency, with a view to providing ideas for further promoting the construction of health enterprises in China.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2158-2189, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981196


The synthesis of fine chemicals using multi-enzyme cascade reactions is a recent hot research topic in the field of biocatalysis. The traditional chemical synthesis methods were replaced by constructing in vitro multi-enzyme cascades, then the green synthesis of a variety of bifunctional chemicals can be achieved. This article summarizes the construction strategies of different types of multi-enzyme cascade reactions and their characteristics. In addition, the general methods for recruiting enzymes used in cascade reactions, as well as the regeneration of coenzyme such as NAD(P)H or ATP and their application in multi-enzyme cascade reactions are summarized. Finally, we illustrate the application of multi-enzyme cascades in the synthesis of six bifunctional chemicals, including ω-amino fatty acids, alkyl lactams, α, ω-dicarboxylic acids, α, ω-diamines, α, ω-diols, and ω-amino alcohols.

Amino Acids , Biocatalysis , Amino Alcohols , Coenzymes/metabolism , Diamines
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion ; (12): 83-88, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969952


To deepen the understanding of the acupoint indications, clarify the targeting of acupoints, and provide a basis for the composition of acupuncture prescriptions, it is suggested to add acupoint identification into the textbook Meridians and Acupoints, and a preliminary assumption that relevant acupoints can be identified by taking the indications, locations, and meridians as the key points is proposed. In this paper, acupoints for treating stomach disease, acupoints of eye region, and five-shu points of lung meridian are taken as examples, combined with ancient literature and modern scientific research achievements, the main indications of acupoint is identified, which is of great significance to the discipline's development, talent training, and achievement transformation.

Meridians , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Acupuncture
Singapore medical journal ; : 237-243, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984202


INTRODUCTION@#Falls from heights contribute to 34% of fatal accidents in Singapore. Of these, 51% of the accidents occur in the construction industry. This retrospective review, of all persons falling from heights in the construction industry from 2006 to 2012 and attending a major hospital, analysed injury patterns and related them to mechanisms and contributory factors.@*METHODS@#Information collected included injury and casualty characteristics, safety measures, pre-existing medical conditions and clinical outcomes.@*RESULTS@#Of 1,085 patients, 951 were male with a mean age of 39.8 years, mean height of 165.9 cm and mean weight of 69.7 kg. Most of the casualties fell between 0800 and 2000 hours. Among the severely injured patients, 2.4% had head injuries, 54.9% had chest injuries and 39.2% had abdominal and pelvic injuries. For these casualties, the mortality rate was 60.8%. For patients with less than major trauma, the commonest injuries were in the lower limbs (41.8%), upper limbs (40.8%) and spine (22.2%). All the casualties survived. Falls from scaffolding, formwork and platforms were the most common causes of severe injuries (41.1%). Safety helmets and harnesses were reported to be used in 1.8% and 4.1% of instances of falls, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#Studying the patterns of injuries following falls at construction sites has the potential for injury prevention through safe practices, use of safety equipment and targeted training.

Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Construction Industry , Craniocerebral Trauma/etiology , Protective Devices , Head Protective Devices , Retrospective Studies , Wounds and Injuries/etiology , Injury Severity Score
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e278525, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529222


O Sistema de Avaliação de Testes Psicológicos (SATEPSI) recebeu notoriedade entre brasileiros e estrangeiros por oferecer um complexo sistema de qualificação dos testes psicológicos, pouco visto em âmbito mundial. Sua elaboração dependeu de uma autarquia, que o financiou, normatizou e o mantém, mas também de pesquisadores docentes de avaliação psicológica, que trouxeram a expertise da área para que houvesse o pleno estabelecimento de seus parâmetros. Passadas duas décadas de seu lançamento, o SATEPSI foi tema de artigos, capítulos, lives e diálogos digitais, nos quais foram destaque, de modo geral, as Resoluções do Conselho Federal de Psicologia, que o normatiza, e seus impactos para a área de avaliação psicológica - como, por exemplo, o aumento do número de pesquisas e de testes brasileiros qualificados. O que se pretende neste artigo é mencionar sua construção, à luz dos autores que vivenciaram o SATEPSI em funções e tempos distintos. Atenção especial será dada aos Métodos Projetivos, cuja história ainda é pouco revelada.(AU)

The system to evaluate psychological tests (Satepsi) received notoriety among Brazilians and foreigners for offering a complex system of qualification of psychological tests, which is rarely seen worldwide. Its development depended on an autarchy (which financed, standardized, and maintains it) and on researchers teaching psychological assessment, who brought their expertise to the area so its parameters could be fully established. After two decades of its launch, Satepsi was the subject of articles, chapters, lives, and digital dialogues, which usually highlighted the Resolutions of the Federal Council of Psychology that normatize psychological evaluation and their impacts, such as the increase in the number of qualified Brazilian tests. This study aims to mention its construction in the light of the authors who experienced Satepsi in different functions and times, giving special attention to Projective Methods, whose history remains to be shown.(AU)

El Sistema de Evaluación de Tests Psicológicos (SATEPSI) ganó notoriedad entre los brasileños y los extranjeros por ofrecer un complejo sistema de calificación de los tests psicológicos, poco frecuente a nivel mundial. Su elaboración dependió de una autarquía, que lo financió, lo estandarizó y lo mantiene, pero también de investigadores docentes de evaluación psicológica, que trajeron la experiencia del área para que hubiera el pleno establecimiento de sus parámetros. Tras dos décadas de su lanzamiento, SATEPSI fue tema de artículos, capítulos, en directo y diálogos digitales, en los cuales destacaron, de modo general, las Resoluciones del Consejo Federal de Psicología que lo normatiza y sus impactos para el área de evaluación psicológica, como el aumento del número de investigaciones y de pruebas brasileñas calificadas. Lo que se pretende en este artículo es mencionar su construcción, a la luz de los autores que vivieron el SATEPSI en funciones y tiempos distintos. Se prestará especial atención a los métodos proyectivos cuya historia aún no se ha revelado.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Psychological Tests , Psychometrics , Reference Standards , Reproducibility of Results , Personality Assessment , Personality Tests , Aptitude Tests , Professional Competence , Professional Practice , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychology , Safety , Audiovisual Aids , Self-Evaluation Programs , Social Control, Formal , Societies , Students , Vocational Guidance , Behavior , Professional Review Organizations , Body Image , Computer Systems , Mental Health , Efficacy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Liability, Legal , Treatment Outcome , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Total Quality Management , Commerce , Lecture , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Internet , Credentialing , Musculoskeletal Manipulations , Diagnosis , Employee Performance Appraisal , Science, Technology and Society , Ethics , Professional Training , Courses , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Expert Testimony , Self Report , Test Taking Skills , Quality Improvement , Pandemics , Social Skills , Data Accuracy , Behavior Rating Scale , Work Engagement , Internet Access , Web Archives as Topic , Internet-Based Intervention , Teleworking , COVID-19 , Psychological Well-Being , Human Rights , Intelligence , Intelligence Tests , Manuals as Topic , Neuropsychological Tests